The Word of the Lord given to the Churches of Christ through His servant David February 18, 2020. The following revelation is tied the a revelation received in November 2019 found here. Words in italics were added by the Elect Lady by inspiration from the Holy Spirit. This revelation was voted on and sustained as canon for use in the Church of Jesus Christ in Christian Fellowship by the Assembly of Saints April 6, 2020.

  1. Behold, and hearken to the voice of the Lord unto thee, all those of my Church in the last days;
  2. Yea, listen to the voice of He who has all power, forĀ I AM from everlasting to everlasting, the Aleph-Tav, even Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end.
  3. Thus saith the Lord unto all they who are assembled in their many congregations, in their meeting houses, their temples, and their synagogues;
  4. Yea, unto all they whose sins are forgiven, for I, the Lord, forgive sins and am merciful unto those who come unto me with humbled and broken hearts and contrite spirits.
  5. And I ask thee now, all they who have come unto me with an eye single to my glory, and according to my commandments: Are ye one? Behold, I say unto thee: Nay.
  6. And for many years, as to the reckoning of man, have I looked down upon my people with a broken heart, for thou draweth near unto thy husband, for I AM the bridegroom and thou my bride, with thy lips, but thy hearts are far from me.
  7. And how art thy hearts so far away? Behold, thou doest many great works in my name, but thy pride and thy vanities are unto thy churches, making them like unto the churches of men.
  8. And have ye remembered my new covenant, even the Book of Mormon?
  9. Behold I say unto thee, thy testimonies and the testimonies of this work rest not upon the hands of men!
  10. And I say unto thee again, the Book of Mormon was not given unto thee by men, but of prophecy and revelation, and is to be given and received in the spirit of prophecy and revelation;
  11. If thou wishest to know all things, look not to the hands of men, but come to me through your study and prayer, together in my name, and ye shall find me; ask of me and ye shall receive, knock and it shall be opened unto you.
  12. Behold, I say unto thee that I have sent forth many men and women, out into the world, to gather Mine Elect and chosen people, and ye see with thine own eyes that I have indeed created for thee many mansions;
  13. Yet thou hast forsaken thy brethren and thy sistren in the ministry, thou forget that there is one ministry and one baptizing in my name in rejecting the baptisms of thy sisters in Zion.
  14. And yet my grace hath been sufficient for thee, and I have not rejected thee, for my mercy and grace are with thee, and I am slow to anger, and my mercy is from everlasting to everlasting.
  15. But now is the time for teshuvah, my children and my friends, for these are the last days and this is the restoration of all things;
  16. Therefore I say unto thee: Be ye one in Zion.
  17. And how shall ye be one? Build unto me a temple in my name, a common place for all of my Saints, in these the latter days.
  18. Behold, I have given charge unto the Church of Christ, and called my servant Granville Hedrick and blessed these, my people, to hold the land dedicated by the hand of my servant Sidney Rigdon for the building of my house.
  19. And ye see that I have blessed the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints with much worldly wealth, that they might uplift and sustain their sisters with the precious things of this world,
  20. And so too that they might provide the funding to build my temple that all of my people may worship together as one in my name.
  21. And the Church of Jesus Christ, as organized by my servant John Alpheus Cutler, they have been awaiting this day that they might impart upon my people the treasures I have given them to watch over.
  22. And unto Community of Christ, and the other Reorganized branches of my vineyard, in these have I preserved many gifts, and these shall be a bridge between my peoples.
  23. And more have I gathered, and more have I preserved, but in me ye are not yet; even as the lot of mine temple, ye circle about me and place stakes in the corners, but ye have yet to build.
  24. And what is this that ye should build? Are all to gather to one church in my name? I say thee nay, for all are my Church, even the Churches of Christ, therefore be ye one in my name.
  25. And I say unto thee: Build a council and send delegates from as many of my Churches as will be a part of my kingdom, and these shall lay the foundations of Zion,
  26. For I say unto thee that all art called, but few shall be chosen, and why shall they not be chosen? For the pride of their hearts.
  27. Therefore, I say unto thee, forgo thy pride and thy Egos, and the theologies of man, and unite in me, for I AM, the Savior of the world unto all they who shall believe in HaShem, my name, and seek my Shalom, for I AM, the prince of peace.
  28. Remember the Law, and the New and Everlasting Covenant, for the days grow shorter, and the nights longer;
  29. Therefore go now and take the talents I have given thee and be ye one in my name, be ye Israel, and build my Zion, make ready for the New Jerusalem;
  30. For I have given unto all of these oil for thy lamps, that ye might see, and not go seeking oil from another and miss the wedding party, but work together and be my light unto the world, that all may know of my coming;
  31. Therefore, be ye ever watchful, be ye ever ready, for behold, I come quickly; Even so, Amen.