I was born in Denver, Colorado on May 31, 1951. The firstborn of a family of three sisters. My family having been part of the membership of the Reorganized Church of Latter Day Saints on both sides of the family, my Father David Earnest Farrell, and my Mother Ruby Ruth Wilcox.

My parents were married in 1948 after WWII. My father a second generation member and on mother’s side of the family, for about 6 generations beginning around the time of the late 1830. My parents came from humble beginnings. My Father, David’s, family were farmers. And my mother, Ruby’s family, my grandfather did many different types of work throughout his life, but primarily a blacksmith and a stone mason. As a child I remember watching him build many things with stone.

Both sides of the family were faithful to the Restoration message all their days. I was baptized in 1959 at the age of 8 on Children’s Day at the Englewood Congregation, in Independence,Mo. My family attended the Sterling Ave, congregation until I was a teenager when me moved and changed our membership to Blue Ridge Congregation. I grew up in Independence. It wasn’t till 1976 that I moved away from the center place, not knowing that the next 42 years would bring to where I would be prepared for what I am ready for, to thrust in my sickle and work for the regathering of Israel and the coming of Zion.

The impulse of a call for me in the priesthood came in 2015 following the death of my husband of 31 years. I felt myself thrust out of my comfort zone. There something I was being prepared to do. I was excited for the experience to come. In the 60’s While attending a Youth Camp at Sionito I recall sitting in a service where our group received a prophetic message that we would be among those who would witness the day which Zion is established. I specifically remember that event very clearly. I pondered how that could be so. I have pondered that from time to time since then.

On this day I bear witness & testimony to my experience with the Living Christ.

Following a Gnosis experience over 3 days of the Easter weekend beginning on Good Friday 1998, I had a visitation where I was given a new pair of lenses and told that I will begin to see and experience Life with a new perspective. A few days later, as I was driving on my daily business, I was overwhelmed by the power of the Holy Spirit. I felt my heart burn in my chest so strongly It felt like it would burst. At the same time I felt like I was being lifted out of my car. I remember exclaiming. “Oh what ecstasy! What Bliss! I want to hold on to this as long as I can… Oh please don’t leave!” The feeling stayed with me for several hours.

Soon after that I began receiving Angelic visitations concerning my divine plan during this Lifetime. At the same time I began receiving visits from spiritual beings who called themselves Ascended Masters, and told that is the destiny for all humanity. to come to the path of the Living Christ to serve and assist in the work preparing for the Golden Age to come.

The Ascended Masters told me I made a vow to The Living Christ and the Spiritual Hierarchy to assist with the work required to teach the steps that will give mankind the practical tools and understanding of the application needed for this to be accomplished if they so choose. It is still a matter of free will. The Masters explained that Christ is an office not any particular individual. Jesus had chosen to embody that office in his last initiation on Earth which would qualify him for the Ascension, As many others had done before him. Then I was asked if I was willing to fulfill that vow, to which I agreed. This understanding has been a process of unfolding over a period of 20 years which brings me to where I AM today, 2019.

On another occasion at a critical point in my career. I received an experience where I was told about a big change coming in the business I was in, in the company I was working for. These revelations came at 3 specific points during the days just before Christmas 2001 and 2 more times following Christmas day the, each presenting more insight into the events about to transpire with regard to my employment. This time found myself standing in the blazing Presence of Jesus. He came very close to me and looked directly into my eyes. When I saw him so up close and personal, I felt His unconditional Love melt me and I thought how beautiful he was.

As soon as this thought entered my mind he said to me “what you see is how I see you.” Then I saw my higher self, the revelation of the Christ in me that is the “real” me. Then he said, “See the real you. This is who you are. Just know that there is nothing to fear in this circumstance. The way will be provided for your sustenance.”

Following that experience when the company announced that my department was being dropped from the company. When I returned to my duties there was a message that left on my desk. When I returned the call. I was offered a job immediately, no interview and physical examination required. Just report in and sign your paperwork when you are ready.

Reflecting back over my life, I now see the path that was laid out before my birth and see how everything was set in order for me to accomplish what I had agreed to before the Throne of the Living God and those that serve Him who is in and through all things. Everything was placed in Divine order from my family, parents, to the heritage I was born into to provide me greatest opportunity to find the Path to Christhood that was set before me. So here I now stand before you ready to be an example of the Living Christ walking on Earth. He has challenged all to do the same. One more anecdote before I seal this testimony. When the RLDS church decided to change its name and I heard the testimonies of those that attended the retreat with Wallace B. Smith, when he suggested that the name be The Community of Christ, immediately I heard in my mind, ”ok so we, the RLDS church, have now chosen to be a community of Christed Ones…. It’s about time.”

In Humility and Loving Service, I, Victoria Lynn Farrell Ramirez, accept this call.